The Montana Posse

The Montana Posse
L-R: Brian aka Chester, Chuck aka Doc Holiday, Hilary aka Sheriff, Bob aka Tonto. These three friends of mine are going with me on my journey to meet my birth mother in July

Thursday, July 19, 2012

T minus tomorrow

So tomorrow is the big day (cue the music). I have traveled with my friends almost clear across the country because of two reasons.  
One, to thank the person who gave me life and options.
Two, because I am curious about my family heritage, where I'm from, stories, etc.

Oh hell, three,   this is a fanfriggentastic experience to go on!  To see things I never have had the ability to go see.   We all agreed that when we went and saw Mt. Rushmore it was like a scene from National Lampoon's vacation where they pulled up to the grand canyon.. Got out of the car, Chevy Chase says "yep. ok kids. let's go.. Been there, seen it".

I just can't wait until tomorrow. I feel like I did when I was a child getting ready for a horse show. I used to be so afraid that I would over sleep that I would go to sleep in my show clothes.   No I haven't changed out my pajamas for britches tonight.

I have no idea what I'm in for tomorrow. I know I'll be meeting my birth mother and I'll be meeting my birth grandmother.  This is all very very cool to me.

We are in Billings, MT.  All the staff, taxi drivers, and even our waitress asked us what we were doing so far from home.  They all said "you must be going to Sturgis right ya'll?"  When one of us answered back "we're going to Boulder, MT"  the looks and comment of "booooowldeeeeeeehhhhr?"    brought us much amusement.  One person said "you must be going to go see someone there huh" which I would nod my head.

 We have gone roughly three galaxies and two time zones to get here.  What a great trip it's been.  I believe we're close to  2500 miles so far.  I'll have to double check with Munds in the morning.  I have to say if anyone ever ends up in Billings, MT (no idea why- nor will I ask questions)  The Best Western on the south side known as "the bear one" is awesome.  The hotel is spotless inside, the rooms beautiful, and they have an indoor water park which Munds, Brian and I played in today.

Who knew I could shoot a basketball  while in 3 1/2 feet of swimming pool?

tomorrow we're getting up early, eating, then out of here.  We'll be visiting Yellowstone in the morning and then going up to Booooowldeeeehhhr afterwards. The friends I have with me on this trip are awesome. Couldn't ask for a better group of guys.  They've been my "shepherds" getting me here.  Keeping this one sheep safe the whole time.

Ok, so the basketball net was only 4 feet above the water line in the pool. I'm no Michael Jordan but man for a short red headed girl I have game. (really you didn't think I would stay serious after the heartfelt shepherd comment)

Night all! and PS. Brian didn't check his tire pressure today :)  Last night I had a dream that when I put the key in my bike, and hit the ignition it laughed at me (for those who don't know I'm on a honda shadow-aero).  Today I rode that bike like it was pack mule!  The nurple took a beating and kept going for more.  So far the ride has been flawless mechanically  (leaving electronics out of this equation).   I have only heard the nurple spit once, and that was more than acceptable since we were just coming down from 5500 ft to 4k feet and I was downshifting. Other than that;  rock on my purple nurple pack mule.

Ok I'm obviously tired. bedtime T minus 2 minutes


  1. Enjoy your time in Yellowstone, and I hope you have a ball with your birth mother and grandmother. Javier

  2. If you decide to swing by Sturgis on our way back, give me a call and I'll come see you 7209376338

  3. I can't wait to hear about today! I'll be thinking of you! I hope meeting you birth mom goes great, love ya!
